Monday, May 5, 2008

Well, I'm queasy and heartburn-y. Michael's was great as usual, but little to no appetite. We got home from the hospital about 6:30 p.m. Just under 8 hours there today. My ass literally was numb for about an hour afterwards. Hooked up to IV for 5 1/2 hours, getting up only to pee. On a side note, I was bitching that someone needed to invent a much smaller IV pole, and the nurse told me they did and apprently will be out soon. Yipee! Cancer products!!!

I have my first accupuncture session next Friday. All the docs say it may work; and the dude, "Chad", says for both nausea and back pain. Also, there is a tiny chance that it's partially covered by insurance. I'll try absolutely anything for the back pain now. And, one of the drugs in this new chemo cocktail can make the back pain worse.

The thought of looking like Hellmaster/Hellraiser/Hellrider ( ?Fucking chemo braniac here can't remember name and don't want to be scared by Googling title of film and seeing photos—freaks the shit outta me though.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Darn, Stephanie! Hope you feel better soon!