Thursday, May 8, 2008

You know, Tomas emailed me and asked me whether the chemo was working. Well, that's a smart question, no? Yet, I won't find out if it 'worked' until the end, when they do a blood test, CAT scan etc.

Kind of wondering if there's a way to test me now. Technically, the cancer was gone before I even started the chemo. The lumpectomy got rid of the lump and the lymph nodes were removed (but thankfully were not infected). Like I've said before, the chemo and the double mastectomy are 'prophylactic.' A chemo condom, if you will.

It would be nice to know however, whether this toxic jet fuel is doing its job and not just driving me crazy.

I'm feeling pretty good aside from the fatigue and the back pain. Sleeping a lot. And so is Wally. I'm telling you Wally has a bladder of steel. And when I sleep, he's marooned on my bed cause it's too high for him to get up on. Interesting right?

I feel like I have other cancer-related points, but chemo brain is in full-effect.

Oh, I did venture out today sans wig, just wearing a hat. I walk around my hood all the time with just hats, but today I actually went to the bank, Walgreen's, Whole Foods and Blockbuster. Oddly, I don't seem to appear to other people as some kind of circus freak, which is how I see myself in my apartment. People didn't seem to stare. Though I know that before BC, I definitely stared at CPs. Not intentionally of course, but how can you not look at people like me and think, "there but for the grace of god go I" or something like that?


Ashley Smith said...

Good luck with chemo.


Antonio Howell, M.D. said...

Hello Stephanie:

I was wondering how it was going with you. Long time since your last post.

A reader,